Each time, we are more and more on the margins, or rather, all those who don´t fit and don’t want to fit in the integrated identities are more visible than ever.

The revolt against white supremacism or the molecular transfeminist revolt that is constantly producing small but innumerable revolts against gender, a primary division that classifies and dominates us from the beginning, are expressions of the generalized tiredness with the permanent subjection of some people to others by reasons that, under the appearance of normalized reality, hide a non stop destruction of bonds, communities, lives and ecosystems.

The queer, as an empowered cry that claims the right to self-determination of the bodies, has taken the central antagonist stage and has the power to add the new anti-capitalist, post-gender and post-colonial struggles. And like all visions of an alternative order that show signs of breadth and depth, queerness is a disputed territory, permanently harassed by commercial co-optation to turn it into yet another shiny fetish ready to be consumed unproblematically.

Although rarely has been aware of it, underground dance culture has always been a political device that has made it doubly possible to generate safe environments for dissident identities. That is the miracle of the syncopated rhythm: generating new communities characterized by more plural and open compositions.

From its countercultural, African-American and gay origins in Detroit, Chicago and New York, since the mid-1980s to the current wave of new rave culture, through the expansive shocks it has generated over three decades among young people, and not so young, from Europe and the US, rave culture has become a self-managed method for building communities of equals where before there was mutual ignorance, misunderstanding and, in many cases, hatred and violence. It is the original speech of Acid House, it doesn’t matter who you are before entering the rave or the club, as long as your non-negotiable principles are Peace, Love and Unity.

Only from the margins can the political moment arrive that will definitively bury the old capitalist, cisheteropatriarchal and racist regime and in its place open up a world of equality and social, community and personal freedom. The moment of the others to go to the front has arrived. It will always be another front because we will never be satisfied with the speech given and our front can never be the same. Our front is made up of many fronts that do not stop mutating, like us, and one of them is the dancefloor.

See you dancing!
Love, Peace & Unity,

Others To The Front